Learn with SwimPix Teacher Set

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Teacher Set

Suitable for any swimming teacher in a variety of setting, creating faster learning and effective communication. SwimPix gives a clear picture of a skills or stroke, suitable for all learners but especially helpful for those with learning challenges, anxiety, hearing impairment or where English is a second language, enhancing an inclusive lesson.


The Teacher Set will enable swimming teachers to have their own set and take to venues they teach at, easily transportable in their swimming bags. The Teacher Set has images from learning to swim to advanced skills that are difficult to demonstrate such as a surface dive. Also perfect for trainee swimming teachers to help swimmers with non-verbal communication.


We are really excited about ounew Teacher Set enabling SwimPix to support all swimming teachers and more importantly our swimmers.

Supporting Resources
'Break it Down' Book - Teaching Practices and Points for Learn to Swim Programmes
• Demonstration Doll
• SwimPix Displays
• Communication Set, Water Safety Set

Teacher Set Includes:

• 48 x SwimPix (back-to-back on 24 cards)  

• 2 x Index  (back-to-back on 1 card) 

• 1 x Tough Storage box with green colour band

Availability:In Stock
Code:TSGG 0001
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