Break it Down Book - School Swimming & Water Safety Charter

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Break it Down Book - School Swimming & Water Safety Charter
Written to be used with SwimPix (available separately) which bring the book illustrations to life in the pool. SwimPix provide a tactile and effective communication tool for both teacher and pupil.

Most suitable for
Level 2 Teachers, Primary (and SEND) School Teachers and Teaching Assistants

This book ‘breaks down’ swimming skills and tasks to make learning inclusive. It supports Level 2 swimming teachers, school teachers and teaching assistants and includes the core aquatic skills, four strokes, water safety, self-rescue and mini polo.

‘Break it Down’ is designed for use both in the classroom and in the pool. There are clear AIMS and SMART OBJECTIVES for each section for writing bespoke lesson plans, helping you choose the correct level of practices for each swimmer’s ability.

This book covers
Swim England School Swimming and Water Safety Awards 1 to 6
Swim England Aquatic Skills Award
Swim England Self-Rescue Award
Swim England School Swimming Foundation Awards 1 to 5
Swim England Water Safety Awareness Award

Supporting Resources
SwimPix - Swim England School Swimming and Water Safety Awards Pack
SwimPix - Swim England School Swimming Foundation Awards Pack
SwimPix minis - Swim England School Swimming Foundation Awards Pack

Availability:In Stock
Code:BSCH 0001
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